There are heightened expectations globally as billions of people all over the world anticipate the upcoming healing and deliverance crusade from the leader of the Synagogue Church of All Nations SCOAN, Pastor Evelyn TB Joshua who is set to storm Argentina with a fresh anointing – The Rain of God’s Spirit – Rain of freedom, deliverance, healing, breakthrough. Rain of joy that will wash away every pain!
Indeed, the season of Argentina has come.
Preparations are in top gear as people from all walks of life get ready for what may be the most exceptional two days of their lives from the 11th & 12th of October 2024 as Pastor Evelyn Joshua hits the airwaves to beam the power and presence of God through the SCOAN Live Healing and Deliverance Crusade at the Auditorio Portal del Cielo, Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina.
Undoubtedly, Pastor Evelyn Joshua arguably holds the world’s largest healing crusade, where miracles and wonders are a constant occurrence, with people all over the world waiting with expectation for each edition of Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s crusade as God moves across nations and boundaries. There are several testimonies of the miraculous which repeatedly confounded logical calculations and medical sciences and prove the supremacy of God’s Word and the power in Jesus’ Name.
One of the shocking testimonies from Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s earthshaking crusade is that of Sylvia Kiyimba who was bleeding heavily for a very long time. She bled from 2014 to 2023; the bleeding only stop after she had an encounter with God at the 2023 Spain Crusade with pastor Evelyn TB Joshua. Before her encounter with God at the SCOAN Spain Crusade, she took so many medications, had so many surgeries but all to no avail. To hear from her directly click on this link. (1) Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s Spain Crusade Shocking Testimony – YouTube
God’s presence At the SCOAN has spread across all corners of the globe, bringing salvation to souls through miracles, signs and wonders.